SERIOUSLY. You have GOT to be kidding me. "Brainwash our kids!" About WHAT exactly? About how it's so imperative to STAY IN SCHOOL and get an EDUCATION. Wow, smite me now for suggesting such a satanic thought.
How exactly are the students being "ostracized from teachers?" And how is this "glorifying the President?" Are. You. SERIOUS.
Why is everyone jumping the I-Hate-Obama band-wagon? Now, for all you Republicans, I understand that you did not want him to be President, and I respect that. However, you cannot possibly be arguing this ludicrous notion that he is trying to glorify himself and brainwash students into his plans. Recently, everyone has been trying to find many stupid reasons for hating on Obama. And he hasn't even completed a YEAR, yet. This ain't no Metropolis where Superman saves the day after ten pages in the comic book.
The YOUTH has been such a huge backer to the Obama campaign that this is a GREAT time and opportunity for someone whom the YOUTH has been behind to advocate for education.
Most of you come from good schools with over 90% graduation rates. Well, wake up. There are a sheer NUMBER of schools that don't have such great rates and education. So yeah, this is a pretty good way to start getting kids to think seriously about this (at least the ones who are actually considering dropping out).
And by the way - as for the "guided discussions," those are an EXCELLENT idea. Instead of just hearing the speech and moving on, students and kids will actually get a chance to discuss what they thought and really THINK about what is being said. As poster Willbw put it, "I'm not sure why everyone is so scared that we'll all be brainwashed by the President."
It seems as though we have reached the time when the adolescents' realize bullshit faster than adults.